quinta-feira, 31 de dezembro de 2015


Studies show that the amount of muscle fibers is defined genetically and practically does not change throughout life. What we call muscle growth is actually an increase in the sarcoplasm and hypertrophy of connective tissue.
It gives the name of the sarcoplasm nutritional liquid that fills the space between muscle fibers and connective tissue. To simplify, we can say that the muscle consists of glycogen (carbohydrate reserve), as well as fats, amino acids and enzymes.

Energy for muscle work

So that the muscle works actively, it needs a quick energy source. It is important to have the body nutrient reserves in the sarcoplasm since it is precisely there that the body will get 100-150g of carbohydrates to spend during strength training.
After training, the body seeks to fill losses and sends ingested carbohydrates (those same 100-150g) to the muscles. This is known as the name of "metabolic window." It is important to replenish carbohydrates of muscles within a period of 2-3 hours, as the glycogen reserves are at their minimum.

Connective tissue
The tissue lining the muscle fibers, and also protects remains bound directly to bones. During strength training occur microferimentos that tissue. It is the recovery of microferimentos that leads to swelling of the muscle fiber.
Muscle growth is related by more than 80% with the growth of connective tissue. In addition, there are several types of muscle fibers and each different type of workout will affect different types of fibers, which leads to distinct changes in the connective tissue.

Recovery after training

The muscle fiber recovery process begins from 3 to 4 hours after treino² and terminates after 36 to 48 hours. This is exactly why you train one muscle group usually does not lead to results. The main helpers of recovery are sleeping and eating.
If the body does not receive enough protein or calcium, connective tissue take longer to form and with more difficulty, which minimizes muscle growth. Again, the body of who trains regularly get used to spend more energy on recovery.

The training's role in muscle growth

Strength Training generate a load that causes microferimentos and subsequent increase of connective tissue. In addition, such training improves the secretion of hormones that affect muscle growth, ie testosterone and growth hormone.
Cardiovascular exercises make the blood flow in the body more quickly, allowing "clean" the muscles of side toxins substances and regeneration of connective tissue, which, in turn, will manifest positively in the speed of recovery.

Athlete's metabolism
Before it was believed that the increase in muscle mass require more energy to maintain the volume, but eventually find that 1 kg of muscle requires approximately 50kcal per day, which is very little. In reality, altering metabolism is as such.
The body of those who train regularly are used to empty the glycogen reserves during training and fill them later, which will increase the consumption of carbohydrates. In addition, the body learns to use the protein more effectively food.

Carbohydrates will form muscle or fat?

Empty deposits of glycogen in the muscles cause the body to send most of the ingested carbohydrates after training for the replenishment of reserves. At that time, the body does not try to retain carbohydrates to fat as he is 'concerned' in recovering muscles.
The body of one who does not train, the glycogen reserves are hardly consumed and it is more likely that the body ends up storing energy as fat. It follows that the more you train, the better the body generate energy.

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