domingo, 17 de maio de 2020



quarta-feira, 15 de junho de 2016



      Enhance the strength of lower limb muscles (gastrocnemius, quadriceps, glutes and hamstrings) and upper (lumbar and paravertebral) in a functional movement.


* Start the movement led way, flexing the hips and knees, keeping the spine aligned until your knees reach 90 ° position;
* Stabilize the final position and outLOGOUT_URL_CLOSE the movement back to the starting position, producing force with the muscles of the hips and quadriceps.

terça-feira, 1 de março de 2016


There are a few ways to get your heart rate by measuring a few seconds, the number of beats. Let us see intevalos 6, 10 and 15 seconds.

* When we hold the measurement in a range of 6/2, took the number of beats counted and multiplied by 10.
EX - You counted 15 beats in 10 seconds, then:
15x10 = 150 bpm (beats per minute).

* When we hold the measurement in a 10-second delay, we took the number of beats counted and multiplied by 6.
EX - You counted 15 beats in 6 seconds, then:
15x6 = 90 bpm (beats per minute).

* When we hold the measurement in a 15-second interval, we took the number of beats counted and multiplied by 4.

EX - Did you count 15 beats in 15 seconds, then:
15x4 = 60 bpm (beats per minute).

terça-feira, 12 de janeiro de 2016

FUNCTIONAL TRAINING - sink plyometric

Improve the power and response time in a functional movement.

* At the same time, position your feet shoulder-width apart.
* Position anteroposterior and foot in a sufficient distance to form an angle of 90 ° at the end of the movement.

Initiate the movement by flexing the knees at a rapid eccentric action, up to approximately 90 ° knee flexion.
When approaching 90 ° of knee flexion, slow down the fastest possible move and perform a quick concentric action to perform a vertical jump.
When starting the jump, the arms should be designed above or at head height to aid in buoyancy.
In the aerial phase, change the bases, taking the front leg backwards and backwards, landing in the anteroposterior position.
Run repeatedly movement, changing the basis on a certain number of repetitions.
Perform jumps consecutively, with the smallest possible interval between movements.

sexta-feira, 1 de janeiro de 2016



GH have a large anabolic effect and causes an increase in protein synthesis which manifests itself in muscular hypertrophy ena muscle hyperplasia. The final effect is very interesting and can not be purchased through anabolic steroids. Because of this, the Growth Hormone is the largest existing anabolic drug.

The second effect of HGH is pronounced effect on fat loss. It makes more fat into energy, achieving a drastic reduction in the percentage of fat. Athletes often have to increase the intake of calories to maintain proper weight.

The third effect of HGH, is that it has an effect on connective tissues, tendons, cartilage, etc., causing a fortification of these structures. Many athletes use HGH, in union with the use of anabolic steroids, as a protective factor against injuries and ruptures because of the training.

Some people do not feel any results with Growth Hormone, here are some reasons:

1 - Athletes who do not take sufficient amount of HGH, regularly and for a certain period of time. HGH is a very expensive drug which causes many people do not have acessoa adequate amount of this drug.

2 - When you use HGH, your body will need more thyroid hormone, insulin, gonadotropins, estrogen and the big surprise androgens and anabolic. This is one reason that HGH when taken alone, can give less effect than if taken only anabolic steroids, insulin and thyroid hormones in particular. There are three hormones that are prevalent when you're talking about muscle anabolism, HGH, insulin and LT-3 as the Cynomel. Only with this combination can have a suitable amount of somatomedin and IGF-1, which are produced by the liver.


Regarding the dosage, it is a question somewhat difficult to answer, because there is not a correlation of what is the best dosage for muscle growth. The laboratories find that the dosage rotatable about 0.6 IU per week per kg of body weight, for people with hgh production by pituitary failure.

The minimum effective dose is 4 IU per day.

quinta-feira, 31 de dezembro de 2015


The medical term "hypertrophy" means an increase of an organ or a part thereof as a result of the increased volume and / or quantity of cells, the phrase "muscle hypertrophy" refers to the growth of muscle mass of an organism or group Individual muscles.
In fact, it is precisely this muscle hypertrophy that arises in most cases, the main objective of the strength and weight training, because no direct increase in muscle size may be no increased strength or increased muscle volume.

Types hypertrophy

Hypertrophy is divided into two types: myofibrillar and sarcoplasmic. In the first case, the growth of muscles is obtained directly by increasing the muscle fiber in the second - by increasing the nutrient fluid surrounding the fiber.
The resulting muscle hypertrophy of these two types differ slightly from one another: myofibrillar hypertrophy is characterized by muscle "dry" and pulled, while muscle sarcoplasmic displays "pumped" and bulky.

Myofibrillar hypertrophy

If you train with light weight and low repetitions (between 2-6), the active muscle receive the signal that needs to get stronger and therefore grow. In this case muscle growth is directly related to the increase of the own muscle fiber volume.
The weights used in practice for the occurrence of myofibrillar hypertrophy should be at most about 80% 1RM (maximum repetition). The interval between the series goes from 90 seconds to several minutes. This training requires a constant weight increase, since the muscles fit.

Sarcoplasmic hypertrophy

The most serious lifting weights with higher repetitions (8 to 12) muscle requires high energy consumption, which is in the sarcoplasm. This is why this type of work leads to precisely the increase in the sarcoplasm volume.
Although a workout with a greater number of repetitions (up to 15) causes sarcoplasmic hypertrophy, it ends up being less, because with this number of repetitions is not possible to work with very high weights and overall workload muscle ends up being lower.

Types of muscle tissue

It is important to note that strength training with lifting weights acts only in fast muscle fibers, as to achieve the involvement of slow is accurate static loads as, for example, keep the weight on for ten minutes.
The power supply of fast-twitch fibers is glycogen and creatine phosphate. At work the muscles, the reserves run out in 10 or 12 seconds after it becomes necessary recovery will require between 30 to 90 seconds of rest, and it is this that is based on the recommendation of rest between sets.
Muscle growth rules

Obviously, the creatine and glycogen phosphate reserves in the body are limited and the more active you train, the faster these reserves are depleted. In addition, the body of the novice, unaccustomed to strength training, has relatively few reserves.
In most cases, a training session requires about 100-150 grams of carbohydrates and 3.5 g of creatine. If you do not take consume values, you can not talk of substantial muscle growth, since hypertrophy mechanisms are minimized.

How many series do for training?

If you run the training program "standard" 10 exercises with 3-5 sets each, will total between 30 and 50 series. It is important to understand that the impetus for the growth achieved in this case will be substantially lower than in the base program.
Only when performing a workout with a maximum between 10 and 15 series and the total charge with sufficient glycogen and creatine phosphate in the body, it is able to activate the mechanisms that cause hypertrophy subsequent growth of the muscles.

Hypertrophy is divided into two different types: muscle growth at the expense of actual fiber growth (low reps with maximum weight) and the cost of energy reserves of the muscles (average number of repetitions and weight between moderate and heavy).